4 Month Labrador Puppy Diet – Best Diet Plan for The Active Breed

Including proper nutrition for 4 month Labrador puppy diet is a compelling need. Good food works as fuel for these energetic puppies. It helps them grow big and strong, healthy and happy. Indeed, Labs need a proper diet to perform daily activities and stay playful.

Labs love their food. But too much fond of food can lead to too much weight. Indeed, this breed has a predisposition to weight gain. Extra weight can lead to achy joint issues. So, feeding them the appropriate food and maintaining the right amount prevent health issues. It’s like ensuring they have the perfect balance with tasty meals without the extra pounds.

Yet, an accurate food and feeding schedule can keep your Lab’s tummy happy. Still, proper nutrition gives them a secret weapon for a long, active life. So, let’s explain the 4 month labrador puppy diet and feeding tips sensibly.

4 Month Labrador Puppy Diet

During this stage, your little one needs high-quality puppy food with a balanced mix of protein, calcium, phosphorus, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. First, you must design a well-organized feeding chart for your 4-month Labrador puppy diet.

4 Month Labrador Puppy Diet Chart

TimeMealFood TypeQuantification
7.00 AMBreakfastHomemade Puppy Porridge1 cup, including boiled rice, pulses: carrots, a few chicken pieces, sweet potato, beans and pumpkin = 1:1
12.00 PMLunchPuppy Kibble and Vegetable MixTake ½ cup Puppy Kibble, ¼ cup plain yogurt and 1 tablespoon fruit like an apple. Mix the all ingredients perfectly, then serve your Puppy.
5.00 PMDinnerHomemade Chicken and RiceServe 1 cup of food that includes cooked chicken, boiled rice and vegetables.
Snack-in-BetweenTraining Treats or Evening Snacks.Frozen Banana, Apples and Watermelon Cubes.Usual treats as your Puppy’s preference also fulfill health demands.
Throughout DayFresh WaterAs Individual Puppy Needs.Serve as your Puppy’s weight and activity or energy level.

The Right Way to Feeding Your 4-Month-Old Labrador Puppy

You’re the chef for your Lab. Hence,  measure your puppy’s meals, check weight and visit the vet. You can maintain the guidelines below:

Amount of Meat

You can feed your 4-month-old Labrador puppy about 1.5 to 2 cups of high-quality puppy food. During this time you can include meat.

Meal Frequency

Divide this food into several meals throughout the day. This helps your puppy digest it better.


Every puppy is different. So adjust the amount of food based on your puppy’s energy burn or activity level and weight. Of course, be conscious of providing fresh water for your puppy.

Yet, you should avoid relying solely on meat for nutrition as Labrador is a very active breed. Feeding your puppy continuously too much meat can create some health issues. 

Perfect Food

Choose high-quality puppy food or “all-life-stages” dog food. This can ensure your puppy gets all the necessary nutrients and vitamins for healthy growth. 

Talk to the breeder or veterinarian to determine the best food and feeding regimen for your puppy. They can suggest accurate guidance based on your puppy’s needs.

Feeding Frequency

Feed your 4-month-old puppy three times a day to support their growing needs. When it reaches 6 months reduce feeding to twice a day. Maintain this schedule until at least 18 months old. 

After 18 months, decide whether to continue feeding twice a day. Indeed, you can transit to once a day based on your puppy’s appetite and activity level.

Feeding amounts may vary depending on your puppy’s individual needs. You should also measure how much additional food or supplements they receive. Hence, avoid seeking feeding advice from those unfamiliar with your puppy’s specifics.

Homemade options can include boiled rice, pulses (1:1 ratio), carrots, beans, pumpkin, sweet potato, cabbage, chicken pieces, a little turmeric, coconut oil, and curd (especially in the summers).Breakfast: Puppy kibble mixed with wet food and vegetable oil.

Lunch: Puppy kibble mixed with plain yogurt and fruit.

Dinner: Puppy kibble mixed with cooked chicken or fish and vegetables.

Frozen treats like bananas and watermelon cubes can be given during hot weather.

How Much Food Should You Give to a 4-Month-Old Labrador Puppy

How Much Food Should You Give to a 4-Month-Old Labrador Puppy
©istockphoto.com /GlobalP

On average, 250-300 grams of high-quality puppy food per day is necessary. For this, you need to divide it into multiple meals. Then, adjust these meals based on your Puppy’s weight, activity level and the specific dog food brand.

Be conscious of avoiding boutique and grain-free brands associated with nutritionally mediated heart disease. You can maintain the below feeding schedule and tips:

  • Feed on a regular schedule to stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • Fresh water should be available at all times.
  • Avoid table scraps, overfeeding, and unhealthy treats.
  • Keep an eye on your puppy’s weight and adjust food portions accordingly.
  • Gradually switch from puppy food to adult food when appropriate.

Caution on Vitamin Supplements

Avoid unnecessary vitamin supplements. Otherwise,  they can disrupt the calcium/phosphorus ratio and cause health issues. A good-quality puppy food provides all the necessary nutrients. Hence, select such one that is best for your labrador puppy’s health and meets its specific needs.

let’s explain the recommended food and feeding measurements for your 4-month-old Labrador:

Puppy Food

Feed your 4-month-old Labrador puppy specialized puppy food. It supports their teeth development and provides the right balance of nutrients for their growth. You can measure 1 to 1.5 cups of puppy kibble per meal.

Adult Dog Food

If your puppy has already transitioned to adult food, ensure it has higher protein levels for their active lifestyle. Hence, serve around 1.5 to 2 cups of adult dog kibble per meal. Sometimes you can offer your Puppy kitten food as a tasty treat. Of course, feed a small amount. It may be 1-2 tablespoons, alongside their regular meals.

High-Quality Kibble

Choose a kibble with quality proteins, vitamins and minerals to support your Puppy’s health. Mix with water or gravy for variety and optimal hydration. Then, provide 1-1.5 cups of high-quality kibble per meal.

Homemade Meal (Rice, Pulses, Vegetables, Chicken, Turmeric)

Prepare a nutritious homemade meal with rice, pulses, vegetables and boiled chicken. Ensure a porridge-like consistency. So, feed your Puppy 1-1.5 cups, three times a day.

Healthy Treats (Carrots, Apples, Frozen Banana and Watermelon)

Freeze banana and watermelon cubes can be a great refreshing treat for your Puppy. Indeed, offer small portions as a reward during training. This treat keeps them cool during hot summers.

Occasional Egg Meal

You can Feed an egg as a special meal once in a while. For this, you need to mix it (without the shell) with rice and veggies.

Curd (Mostly in The Summer)

Add a generous amount of curd to meals during extreme heat. It provides a cooling effect besides adding taste. Ensure your puppy has constant access to fresh water. Yet, refrain from giving table scraps to prevent excessive fat and salt intake.

If introducing new foods or treats, do so gradually and monitor for any adverse reactions. Still, keep toxic foods (chocolate, onions, grapes, etc.) out of reach. Also, incorporate regular exercise into your puppy’s routine.

How to Maintain the Optimal Weight of 4 Month Labrador Puppy Diet

How to Maintain the Optimal Weight of 4 Month Labrador Puppy Diet
©istockphoto.com /Bebenjy

Obesity means being too heavy. It’s a big problem for dogs. Labradors can become overweight quickly. This extra weight can cause serious health issues like joint problems and heart trouble. It’s important to keep your 4 month Labrador Puppy diet at a healthy weight to ensure an active life.

Healthy Body Condition

The caveat means a little warning or something important to remember. When you talk about a “Healthy Body Condition” for your furry friends, it’s like saying you want them to be just the right size and not too heavy or too skinny. You want them to have a body that’s just perfect for running, playing and staying happy. So, the caveat here is to keep an eye on your pets’ weight and ensure they feel great in their fur.

Challenges in Managing the Lab’s Perpetual Hunger

Labradors are known for always feeling hungry. They love to eat. But too much food can make them too heavy. It’s like trying not to give in when someone offers you your favorite snacks all the time. You need to be strong and not give in to their begging eyes. It’s tough, but it’s for their good.

Early Initiation of Nutritional Guidelines for Maintaining Weight

Start good habits for your Puppy at a very early age. So, feed them the right amount and type of food from the beginning. Don’t give too many extra treats, even if they give you those puppy eyes. Indeed,  follow the feeding guidelines on the food bag and ask your vet for advice. By setting up healthy habits early, your Lab will grow strong, fit and ready for all the fun adventures.

Labrador’s Nutritional Needs

Labradors have different needs at different ages. When they’re little, they need special food to help them grow. As they get bigger, their needs change. It’s like how a baby needs different food than a grown-up. Also, how much they weigh is important to figure out how much food they should get.

Three Stages of Nutritional Needs: 2-4 Months, 4-6 Months, 6-12 Months

Puppies go through different stages. From 2-4 months, they’re like tiny toddlers and need food to help their bodies grow strong. At 4-6 months, they’re like kids in school, more active and playful. From 6-12 months, they’re like teenagers, getting big and strong. Each stage needs the right food to keep them healthy and happy.

Feeding Guide for Lab Puppies Based on Age, Weight and Meal Frequency

You need to follow a simple guide before organizing your 4 month Labrador puppy diet. So let’s explain:

For little Labs (2-4 months), 4 meals a day with puppy kibble. For growing Labs (4-6 months), 3 meals a day with a mix of kibble and wet food. For big pups (6-12 months), 2 meals a day with larger portions. Also, check their weight to adjust the food. Further, ask 

Keeping your furry friend at a healthy body condition is super important. You want them to be the right size, not too heavy or skinny. Being the right size means they can run, play, and feel awesome. It’s like making sure they wear the perfect-sized sweater – not too tight, not too loose. This helps them stay happy and full of energy!


Thus, you know all about 4 month Labrador puppy diet. As your puppies grow, they need more food. But you don’t want them to get too big too fast. So, you adjust their meals by adding a bit more when they get bigger. It’s like giving them the right fuel for their growing engines. Also, keep them moving and grooving. Play fetch or go for walks. Remember, happy and loyal puppies come from good food, fun play and lots of love.


Can Labrador puppy eat rice?

Yes. it can be a good option as rice is low fiber and easy to digest for your 4-month lab Puppy.

Is boiled egg good for a Labrador puppy?

If your Puppy doesn’t have any sensitive health issues and digests easily, it can be a great source of protein.

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