Black Mouth Cur and Labrador Mix – Choosing The Incredible Breed

The Black Mouth Cur and Labrador Mix is a marvelous blend of Labrador’s loyalty and Black Mouth Cur’s defense. Indeed, perfect meet-and-greet practice composes them to be refreshing with new faces.

Yet, the mixture results from both breed’s floppy ears, muscular bodies, long legs, and low-set tails. The color of their coat can also be unique because it exhibits a variety of hues. This mix contains energy, intelligence and playfulness. Hence, they need an active playmate with time for entertainment and thinking games.

They are lively, trainable and loving for a family pet. So, training these adorable puppies is easy. Both breeds worked hard in their past jobs. so they’re fond of learning. Ensuring they get at least an hour of exercise daily keeps them fit and out of trouble. Let’s learn all about this mixed breed.

Features of Black Mouth Cur and Labrador Mix 

This mixed breed can be your better family pet if you find the right breeder. Proper caring and training make the puppy a social, constant, well-behaved, protective service dog. First, let’s learn the features of The Black Mouth Cur and Labrador Mix from the table below:

CharacteristicsLabrador RetrieverBlack Mouth Cur Unique Blend of Both Breeds
SizeStandard to MassiveStandard to MassiveStandard to Massive
Weight (lbs)55-80 Pounds45-95 Pounds 55-90 pounds
Height (inches)21.5-24.518-2720-27
CoatStraight and dense. But pleasantly water-resistant.Short and thick.Smoggy coat with short to standard design.
Coat ColorsChocolate, black and yellow ( Three major colors)Red, brindle, fawn, yellow and frequently with a black muzzle.Varies but mostly exhibits black, chocolate and yellow.
BehaviorEager to please, cordial, sociable, intelligent, outgoing etc.Possesses versatile qualities. These are hardworking dogs. They are playful in nature, loyal and intelligent.The mixing breed is also active, friendly, loyal and intelligent.
Activity LevelSoaring with energy.Highly energetic.Crossbreed is also record-level energetic.
TrainningKeenness to learn any training session while directing with positive strategies. Puppies are quick learners to learn new things.Puppies need early socialization with accurate training sessions.Responsive if you encourage them adequately.
Exercise NecessityExtensive Moderate to extensiveHigh
Health ConcernsSome diseases like dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy may arise.Naturally healthy.May inherit health issues from both breeds.
Life-Expectancy10-12 Years10-14 Years10-15 Years
Grooming RequirementsOnce a week keep them fresh and healthy with shiny coats.Once a week keep them fresh and healthy with shiny coats.Once a week keep them fresh and healthy with shiny coats.
Puppy CostIt may vary with different cost ranges like $800, $1000, $1500 and $2000 according to several shops, breeders and locations.It may also vary with $300, $800, $100according to several shops, breeders and locations. $500-$1200 even more according to several shops, breeders and locations.
Puppy Training Cost$300-$800$200-$500$300-$600

Yet, kindly consider that the costs highlighted here are approximate and can vary. Before buying the puppy you need to choose a reputable breeder who prioritizes the health and protection of the dogs. Additionally, the continuous costs of veterinary care, food, grooming supplies and training classes always change with time.

Appearance and Physical Attributes of Black Mouth Cur and Labrador Mix

You have already gotten a brief idea about this section. But either you are an experienced dog enthusiast or a newbie, you might need an explanation. So, Let’s move deep discussion: 

Coat Color and Texture

Standard colors include shades of black, brown, yellow and chocolate. Some may even have a blend of these colors. This makes each dog unique.

Texture Variations and Patterns

The coat texture may be different. But it’s primarily short, shiny and dense. It may feel smooth to the touch. Of course, some mixes may assume the Lab’s water-resistant double coat.

On the contrary, others may have a smoother coat resembling the Black Mouth Cur. Yet,  patterns like solid colors or a mix of colors may appear. But both forms create a multiple and charming look.

Size or Body Structure

These mixed dog’s average height and weight usually fall within a standard to giant size. On average, they stand between 20 to 25 inches tall at the shoulder. 

The natural weight with proper care may vary from 50 to 80 pounds. However, exceptional variations are common. Hence, some may be slightly smaller or larger.

The mix often inherits a solid and athletic build. Their body is well-proportioned with a strong frame. Legs are usually straight and muscular. This pattern provides agility and strength.

Further, the chest is deep. This structure allows for good lung capacity. Indeed, they exhibit a robust physique reflecting the athleticism of the Labrador and Black Mouth Cur breeds.

Unveil The Temperament or Behavior of Black Mouth Cur and Labrador Mix

Unveil The Temperament or Behavior of Black Mouth Cur and Labrador Mix
© /Dixi

Both breeds possess gentle behavior while receiving perfect training and socialization. Of course, both are entirely playful but not harmful. Let’s learn more about their natural and instructional manner.

  1. Intelligence and Trainability

This is an excellent combination of the intelligence of both breeds. A mix of Black Mouth Cur and Labrador is naturally an intelligent pup. Labs are famous for being eager learners. At the same time, Black Mouth Curs are quick thinkers.

This mix produces clever ones who easily understand commands well. They often pick up on things fast due to their sharp minds.

  1. Training Tips and Challenges

This mix eagerly grants the training session as kind of merriment. If you continue the training strategically with favorable schemes like treats and praise, they will enjoyably learn your command.

Yet, keep sessions short and pleasing to maintain their interest. Perhaps, they may have a bit of stubbornness. So, you should keep patience. Indeed, uniformity in training helps them learn faster. Hence, making it charming creates a positive experience for them.

  1. Socialization and Compatibility 

These dogs are eager to interact with family members. Indeed, they are often affectionate, loving and obedient being part of the family. Their loyalty, forming strong bonds with their human members. Hence, they achieve most of the owner’s broad trust and consolation.

The most impressive quality of their behavior is that they usually get along well with children. This trustworthiness makes them great family pets. Indeed, charming playtime and friendly interactions build a strong relationship between them and their family.

  1. Behavior around Other Pets

You have already heard that this mix is generally sociable. Hence, they can get along with other pets when appropriately introduced. Of course,  early socialization is necessary. 

You should supervise introductions with other pets to prevent conflicts. Though they often exhibit a friendly nature, individual temperament can vary. so observing their behavior in different situations is essential.

Importance of Exercise to Keep Them Fit and Healthy

Importance of Exercise to Keep Them Fit and Healthy
© /theendup

Canine needs a considerable amount of exercise. They get adequate exercise in the wild while running for searching food. But pet dogs get the proper and nutritious food under the care of their owners. They gain more calories faster. So they need more exercise to lead an active life. Let’s discuss about this:

A. Physical Activity Requirements with Daily Exercise Directions

This mix needs sufficient daily exercise to stay healthy, refreshed, fit and happy.  So, focus on managing around 30 to 60 minutes of continuous activity for your dog. 

You can design this schedule with walks, playtime, running, or interactive games. Further, physical exercise prevents boredom. It keeps balance by burning extra calories besides ensuring proper blood circulation.

B. Suitable Activities for Mental Tranquility

Mental charm is essential besides physical exercise. Hiding treats, confusing toys, hide-and-seek games and basic obedience training are excellent choices.

These inspiring activities make their brain sharp and keep minds fresh. Through this, you can prevent boredom and ensure a balanced lifestyle for your cherished dog.

C. Habitual Health Issues in The Mix 

While generally muscular, this mix may fall to some health issues in both breeds. So, look for issues like hip dysplasia, which affects joint health.

Also, observe ear infections. These diseases mainly show in labs. Always keep your dog in touch with regular veterinary check-ups. Their instructions and prescribed medicines help catch any problems early.

D. Preventive Measures and Health Maintenance

To maintain good health, you must provide a balanced diet. So, arrange the diet chart suitable for their size and activity level. Regular exercise and a proper diet help prevent obesity. This reduces the risk of joint problems.

Also, keep their ears clean. Wash the ears and dry them to minimize the chance of infections. Adequate nutritious food with balanced exercise, routine vet visits, vaccinations and preventive medications contribute to their healthy survival. 

General Care Tips for a Black Mouth Cur and Labrador Mix

This mixing dog is naturally coedient. But during the early stage, the puppy shows excitement and needs proper caring and attention. Indeed, your effort always helps to grow a healthy and well-behaved dog for your family. Let’s know the general tips for a Black Mouth Cur and Labrador mix:

A. Regular Grooming 

Learning coat maintenance tips is essential to keep your dog fit and attractive. This mix usually has a short and dense coat. So, this straight coat quality makes grooming easy.

Proper brushing helps remove loose hair and keeps the coat shiny. Make sure to use a soft brush to avoid hurting their skin. Inspect any skin issues, like redness or irritation, during grooming sessions.

Further, you should maintain bathing and brushing routines. Bathe them as needed. While raising your puppy you can calculate how often your dog needs to bathe. Indeed, bathe them once a month or when they get dirty.

Yet, use a mild dog shampoo to avoid skin irritation. Also, brush their coat at least once weekly to prevent matting and reduce shedding. Again trim their nails every few weeks besides brushing their teeth.

B. Nutritional Needs

You must maintain the vet’s recommended diet and feeding schedule for your dog. So, feed your mix balanced, nutritious, high-quality dog food suitable for their size and strength. Divide their daily food into two meals. You can maintain a uniform feeding schedule to keep them fit. Of course, provide fresh water at all times to keep them hydrated.

Special dietary considerations always carry value based on breed mix. Watch their weight to prevent joint issues, especially if they have Lab traits.

Discuss your familiar vet for specific dietary recommendations based on their age, size and health. Some may have food sensitivities. So be aware of any allergic reactions and adjust the dog’s diet accordingly.

C. Regular Veterinary Check-ups & Vaccination

Regular vet check-ups are necessary to find out any health issues early. The vet will examine their health, teeth and weight. This prevents problems and ensures your mix is in healthy shape.

Yet, keep vaccinations up-to-date to protect against common diseases. Discuss with your vet about preventive care. Talk to them about flea and tick control, heartworm prevention and other necessary medications. These measures help maintain their health and prevent the spread of diseases.


Thus, you can choose Black Mouth Cur and Labrador mix as your family pet friend. While ensuring the perfect attention and care they need, you can make them faithful members of your home. A grown-up dog, can be your dependable helping hand. They love to work hard and expect you to command them with a sympathetic and adorable voice. They can survive 10 to 15 years in cozy surroundings and your awareness.


Are black-mouth curs loyal?

Yes. They are hardworking service dogs with loyalty in nature. They are always conscious of obeying their owner’s command.

How do I know if my dog is a Black Mouth Cur?

Of course, they have a black muzzle including red, yellow and fawn coats.

Will a black mouth cur protect you?

They are reputed dogs for their protective nature. They can be your superb bodyguard to ensure security.

Are black lab mixes good dogs?

Yes. If you mix them with other breeds, the outcome might be a gentle puppy. 

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