Breeders Tips: How To Tell If a Labrador Dog Is Pregnant

Behavioral and physical changes are the major signs of labrador pregnancy. The changes include mood shift, appetite, nipple growth, weight gain, and abdominal enlargement. Canine gestation is the process of puppies growing inside a female labrador’s uterus. 

So, how to tell if a labrador dog is pregnant? My cherished Rayna(labrador) becomes more affectionate during pregnancy. Noticing a few common signs of pregnancy, I need to consult a veterinarian. I have enjoyed these moments, ensuring a comfortable zone for her.  Nutritious food & fresh water, exercise routine, and adequate rest must be necessary. It takes roughly 63 days or 9 weeks from conception to birth(Rigan & Rihan). 

Accurate pregnancy confirmation ensures appropriate care and nutrition adjustments during gestation. It allows the best possible outcome for the mother and puppies. Today I will share my adventurous experience. Rayna’s early, mid-term, and late-term pregnancy signs are still memorable.

How To Tell If a Labrador Dog Is Pregnant

© / Vesnaandjic
© / Vesnaandjic

How important it is to identify pregnancy conduct! The experienced or a newbie owner can observe labrador pregnancy signs. As confirmation, the keeper can provide proper care and attention during this critical time. 

Top 4 Early Signs of Pregnancy

First, let’s learn the early signs of labrador pregnancy. My labrador changes similar to the leaves’ gentle turning color in autumn.

  • Appetite changes are like weather shifts, indicating pregnancy
  • She may seem different in behavior
  • Her tummy might feel firmer and soft, like a pillow
  • She might seem tired like the sun at dusk

3 Insightful Signs Of Mid-Term Pregnancy

Second, her belly becomes round during the mid-term period of pregnancy. Dog pregnancy nesting behavior seems honorable during this time. She begins nesting. Her actions look like the habits of a mother bird preparing her baby birds.

  • Her belly will enlarge as a river swells after heavy rain.
  • She starts nesting. So, she will look for a quiet and comfortable place to give birth.
  • Labrador pregnancy nipple changes, a clear sign of pregnancy progress. 

3 Astounding Signs Of Late-Term Pregnancy

Third, the late-term of pregnancy is the most exciting stage. Labrador pregnancy nipple changes indicate motherhood. Let’s know what happened during this stage: 

  • Puppies become active. Movement is visible
  • The pregnant labrador might pant, indicating that the time for labor is nearing.
  • Shows signs of anxiety or restlessness like a ticking clock. These behaviors kick in closer to the birth of her puppies.

Necessity Of Veterinarian Confirmation: How To Tell If a Labrador Dog Is Pregnant

After suspecting the labrador pregnancy signs, I should consult a vet. Now, I will explain the necessity of veterinary care during three specific stages of pregnancy.

Confirming Pregnancy

First, I should learn the role of veterinarians in confirming pregnancy. Let’s see the table.

TermDescriptionTimelineWhy It Require
Immediate ConfirmationThe vet confirms if a labrador is pregnantEarly pregnancyThe confirmation ensures essential care
UltrasoundUsing ultrasound, the vet visualizes the puppiesAround 4 weeksIt shows the progressing story
x-rayCounts the puppiesNear to birthHighlight the puppy’s present health condition

So, confirmation of pregnancy is similar to the key to lock. It opens the door to necessary prenatal care. Ultrasound provides a clear peek into the life developing inside the mother.

Prenatal Care

The vet recommends a nutritious, balanced diet for the mother dog. It ensures the health and growth of the mother and puppies. So, regular check-ups with a vet secure the pregnancy development. Let’s learn more from the below table:

Term DescriptionTimelineHow it works
Regular check-upVets monitor the health condition of the mother and puppiesThroughout the pregnancy periodSmooth the way of safe birth
Nutritional guidanceVet advice on diet adjustmentThroughout the pregnancy periodPuppies health development
Measurable exerciseVet guidance on safe exerciseThroughout the pregnancy period Maintain strength and stamina for the pregnant dog

Post Natal Check-Up

After birth, the mother dog needs an initial check-up. It ensures that she is recovering from the birthing process. Here, I show that through a table:

Task ExplanationExplanationTimelineHow it works
Mother dog check-upThe vet monitors the mother’s birth healthRight after birthIt secures the mother’s health condition
Puppy check-upVet checks puppies’ health 3 days after birthIt measures their health status
Follow-upsContinuous monitoring of mother and puppies’ first 3 months After birth to 3 months It maintains optimal health

What Factors Influence Ideal Breeding Decision 

Demand for healthy puppies is likened to a market’s pull. So, the right breeding decision secures a genuine demand for puppies. Further, ideal planning prevents overpopulation. Let’s learn the process:

Select The Perfect Breeding Mate

Successful breeding and healthy puppies depend on the right pair. So, the picking mate should possess the appropriate size and temperament for the labrador.

Good Health

Good health indicates a high value during the breeding season. A healthy mother can produce healthy puppies. She can fight against fewer complications during pregnancy and childbirth. 


It plays a major role in determining the traits of puppies. Responsible breeders will consider potential genetic issues. It may affect the health and temperament of the puppies. So, retry from the breeders containing genetic problems.

Accurate Age

The labrador age is important timing in breeding decisions. Both too-young and too-old dogs may face health risks during pregnancy. So, what is the right age for mating? The ideal breeding age for a female labrador is 18-24 months. The male labrador, for producing healthy puppies, should have 15 months.

Size And Temperament

This emphasizes the parent labrador’s behavior and maturity as a mother. It has a great significance that influences the puppies’ growth. The mature labrador takes care and attention to her puppies. Moreover, The size of the labradors is essential. It prevents complications during mating and childbirth. 

Proper Training

You should train your labrador to illustrate shaping the puppies’ future. A well-trained mother can pass her good habits onto her puppies. Understanding a labrador’s pedigree can help breeders. It predicts the qualities of the puppies. 

Congenial Environment

Providing a quiet, comfortable, and safe place is the most urgent ingredient. Ensure a warm, easy, and accessible area for her. This will be her heaven, where she prepares to give birth and raises puppies.

Proper Vaccination

While preparing the labrador for breeding, ensure vaccination to ignore future complications of puppies’ health. Vaccination also expands the possibility of lactation.

Availability Of Resources

The availability of proper time, money, and facilities secure the health and well-being for the mother and puppies.

How To Adjust Diet For Pregnant Labrador

Labrador Dog Is Pregnant
© / Agustin Vai

Food is the most crucial part of pregnancy. So, first, consult a vet. They can assess the labrador’s needs and provide personalized advice. They make a diet chart based on her health condition, stage of pregnancy, and the number of puppies she carries. Let’s know the nutritious diet for a pregnant dog:

Increase Calorie Intake

A labrador’s energy requirements increase during pregnancy. So, it’s urgent to provide her with high-quality, balanced dog food formulated to nurse her. Feed her the right amount of fresh meat, organs, bones, eggs, and fish. Blueberries and veggies are also required during this period.

Gradual Transition

Sudden changes in diet can lead to digestive issues. So, if you need to change the labrador diet, do it to maintain the gap.

Frequent, Smaller Meals

As the pregnancy progresses, the labrador may have a reduced appetite. It happens due to the pressure of the growing puppies on her uterus. Consider feeding her smaller. So, provide more frequent meals throughout the day. The feeding process should be comfortable.

Fresh Water

Be conscious that the pregnant labrador has access to clean and fresh water. Staying hydrated is crucial for her and the development of the puppies.

Watch For Excessive Weight Gain

It’s normal for a pregnant dog to gain a little weight. However excessive weight gain may lead to complications during delivery. So, regular monitoring of her weight is essential.

Avoid Harmful Food

Particular food is critical for breeding bitch. So, avoid suger substituting common food. Retray from feeding chocolate, garlic, raisins, onions, grapes, caffeine, or anything containing xylitol.

Monitor For Signs Of Complication

Keep an eye out if any food or feeding schedule creates discomfort. If you notice any signs of distress or unusual behavior, ban the complicated item.

Thus, add the proper amount of fat, protein and carbohydrate in a breeding bitch diet chart.

How To Apply Minimal Exercise

A bitch should adjust her exercise routine during the pregnancy period. You should help her to practice the below Exercise:

Low-Impact Exercise

Gentle walks and controlled play sessions are suitable for maintaining muscle tone. Avoid too much strain and duration on the pregnant bitch.

Avoid Strenuous Activities

Jumping, running at high speeds, or sudden stops are dangerous to the pregnant labrador’s joints and abdomen. So, give priority to shorter walks. It keeps the labrador active and mentally stimulated.

Monitor For Signs Of Discomfort

Don’t force her if the labrador is uncomfortable or unwilling to continue. Watching for signs of fatigue, give her plenty of rest.

Supervised Exercise

Always keep an eye on your breeding bitch during exercise. Ensure safety and prevent potential injuries or accidents. 

Consider Alternative Mental Stimulation

The pregnant bitch requires limited physical exercise. So, ensuring happiness is necessary for psychological balance. Secure enthusiasm through interactive toys, training, obedience and games.

However, each labrador is unique in behavior and it’s an essential subject how to tell if a labrador dog is pregnant? Their exercise needs may differ during pregnancy. Indeed, give prioritize the health and comfort of the pregnant bitch. Again, seek professional advice when necessary.

Why Rest Is Important For Pregnant Labrador

Rest is crucial during pregnancy to stay healthy for a mother and progressive puppies. Here are a few reliable points explaining the necessity of rest:

Physical Recovery

Pregnancy puts additional stress on the labrador’s body. Sufficient rest keeps her muscles and joints strong. It helps to recover extra strain and weight.

Reduced Risk Of Complication

Adequate rest promotes a healthier and smoother delivery. By getting proper sleep and rest, a labrador can fight against any complications.

Energy Conversation

Pregnancy requires more energy for puppies and the mother. Rest Helps the labrador conserve energy for essential bodily functions. It also works for fetal development.

Fetal Development

It also works for the fetal development of puppies. Providing a stable environment helps puppies grow healthy in the uterus.

Psychological Support

Pregnancy may be stressful for a labrador. Sufficient sleep helps alleviate stress and supports her emotional well-being.

Indeed, Be careful to secure a comfortable, safe, calm & quiet place for your labrador where she can rest. It helps to support a happy pregnancy.

Prepare Labrador For Puppy Birth: Dog Pregnancy Nesting Behavior

Labrador Dog Is Pregnant

A safe and Smooth delivery demands good planning and support. Let’s learn the essential caring tips for the upcoming puppies:

Create a Cozy And Congenial Area

Make a clean, warm and safe whelping box for the labrador to give birth in. Organize it with soft bedding to keep the pup[pies comfortable.

Monitor The Breeding Bitch

Keep a close eye on the pregnant mother as the due date approaches. Watch for signs of labor. The most common labor signs are restlessness, nesting behavior and a drop in body temperature.

Consult With A Vet

Communicate with a vet before labor. They can provide guidance and support for the labrador’s readiness for delivery.

Assemble a Birthing Kit

Gather essential supplies for the birthing process. It includes clean towels, sterilized scissors, and puppy-safe heating pads. Of course,  an emergency contact number for the vet must be necessary.

Be Ready For Potential Complications

Though dog delivery is easy, prepare for any unexpected complications. So, learn when to seek immediate veterinary assistance.

Emotional Support

Your presence can help to raise her spirit during labor. So, be there to support and keep her calm.

Allow Instincts To Guide The Process

A Labrador mother can naturally care for her immediate newborn puppies. Allow her motherhood to guide the birthing and bonding process.

Look After The Puppies

Observe the puppies with great care after birth. Your proper nursing can ignore the unwanted weaknesses of the puppies.

However, any labrador’s birthing experience is a unique and normal process. But, You should provide a caring and supportive environment for a successful and stress-free delivery. Your caring can ensure good health for the mother and puppies. 

Final Thought

Therefore, Contact a good breeder mentor and establish a relationship before your labrador gets pregnant. They can show the specifics of the specific labrador(size, age, body condition). After the vet’s confirmation, you can explain how to tell if a labrador dog is pregnant.  Of course, you should read good books on dog pregnancy. She also demands booster vaccination. But it depends on the exact products and risk factors. For a risk-free breeding process, you should know what’s normal and what’s not.


How can I check if my labrador is pregnant at home?

One of my friends checked her 12-month-old labrador(Dolly) pregnancy at home, observing a few changes. She confirms Dolly’s pregnancy looks for sudden behavioral and physical changes. During the first few weeks, Dolly started vomiting and decreased her appetite. Dolly is pretty energetic, but after four weeks, she shows laziness. After that, her stomach becomes swollen and increases her appetite.

How many months are labrador pregnant?

It may take 2 months to arrive at newborn puppies after conception. 63 days is the proper birth time. But, It may vary from dog to dog between 56 to 70 days. 

What do you feed a pregnant bitch?

During Rayna’s pregnancy, I chose an easily digestible and palatable diet for her. I have served her 29 percent protein and 19 percent fat according to weight and height. I provide her with the right amount of soluble carbohydrates to ensure sufficient energy. Adding low fiber works for ignoring hypoglycemia in late pregnancy.

What does a 4-week dog pregnancy look like?

The puppies start developing at week 4. Head, eyes and first vertebrae start growing during this time. The fetus develops its organ. The vet can see this living scene in an ultrasound.

How many babies do Labradors give birth to?

The quantity of labrador retriever puppies depends on genetic diversity, size, diet, age and health. It can give birth to 5-10 puppies in a typical measure. From my experience, in her first pregnancy, Raina produced two healthy and big puppies.

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