Why Do Labradors Carry Things in Their Mouth – Know The Amazing Truth

Labrador’s habit of carrying objects in their mouths might seem peculiar. But there is a mysterious logic behind it along with a few reasons.

Yet, why do labradors carry things in their mouth? This norm of carrying objects is entirely usual for Labradors. Of course, knowing about this creates an environment that supports their natural instincts without causing disruptions. In the past, Labradors were bred to retrieve items for hunters. So, carrying things is in their nature.

Still, it’s necessary to know that this habit has deep roots in their breeding history. Like you, your Labradors also have their unique personalities. Today, I’ll share all about your adorable family pet’s carrying behavior. 

Why Do Labradors Carry Things in Their Mouth

Some Labs may be more crazy about carrying behavior than others. Comprehension of your Labrador’s preferences helps modify your approach to their needs. So, balance your Labrador’s natural instincts with proper training. You can manage their carrying behavior by teaching basic commands like dropping things or leaving any objects.

This maintains a balanced household besides keeping your Labrador safe. Observe and calculate – why do labradors carry things in their mouth?  Appreciate the normalcy of this behavior.  Also, acknowledge individual differences. Then, implement training techniques to reshape the unusual habit.

The Frequent Reasons Why Do Labradors Carry Things in Their Mouth

Labradors are trustworthy family pet dogs who participate in several exclusive tasks for the family. They have achieved love and affection from their family members for their intelligent behavior. Yet, they show a few odd activities. Carrying things in their mouth is one of them. Let’s discuss this habit that you see most of the dogs tradition: 

Historical Context and Breeding Purpose

The main reason of carrying objects of this heartwarming dog is the evolutionary roots. Indeed, labs were created in Canada in the 1500s, especially for hunting and helping fishermen.

Still, they had gained a special place in their owner’s heart for their instant learning capabilities and loyalty. You can’t imagine how they had seized training to bring back nets, ropes, and fish. This makes them naturally like carrying things. So, they motionlessly hold up this habit from their hardworking ancestors.

Comfort and Emotional Security

Labs like carrying things like toys or blankets and objects as comfort items. They do this because it makes them feel safe and entertained like you feel safe with your favorite things.

Stress Reduction through Familiar Items

When labs feel stressed or disappointed, they carry things around. Indeed, carrying familiar items is a self-soothing behavior. It helps them feel in control and less worried. It’s like children, just like how they might hold onto something familiar when feeling uneasy.

Playful Nature

Labs are naturally outgoing and playful. Hence, carrying things can be a part of their play behavior. They encourage play with balls and other favorable toys, carrying them with their mouth.

Exploration and Investigation

Labs use their mouths to explore the world. So, carrying objects inspires them to investigate and know their environment. Further, they carry items to get attention from their owners. It can be a way of expressing their owner to give proper time.

Bonding and Social Interaction

Labs are cooperative. So, they carry items to tie up with their human family members. It’s a form of social interaction and bonding.

Teething and Chewing

Puppies mainly carry items during teething. During this age, they carry clean and dirty items out of curiosity. They love to chew things to keep their teeth subdued. Chewing on things may alleviate discomfort.

Territorial Marking

Labs may carry things to mark their territory. It’s a way of claiming a space as their own. They show aggressiveness by holding their zone in different activities and body language. Carrying things signifies they are the owner of a particular space.

Boredom Reduction

Labs may carry things when they’re bored. It provides mental peace and entertainment. Any ancestor activities soothe them from painful emotions.

Yet, as a cautious owner, you should know every pros and cons of your labrador’s behavior. Observe your labs carry things habits. Of course, learning about their history and comfort helps you ensure they feel happy and secure at home.

Positive Aspects of Labrador Retriever’s Carrying Behavior

Positive Aspects of Labrador Retriever’s Carrying Behavior
©istockphoto.com /jefras

Most of the time, Lab’s caring things manner granted an acceptable and obliging norm. So, let’s know the grantable carrying behavior in your adorable labrador: 

A. Expression of Natural Instincts

Carrying things is like a natural habit for Labradors. They bear their genes from their history of helping fishermen in Canada. Today, they still help their owners by carrying essential objects. This manner exhibits they’re doing what they were born to do. These ancestor’s instincts make them happy.

B. Strengthening Bond with Owners

It’s pleasant when your labrador eagerly carries your necessary elements and reaches them to you. Of course, labs carry things for you, which proves a friendly gesture.  It means they want to be close to you and share things. This behavior helps create a dependable and loving connection between you and your pet companion.

C. Ensure Mental Amusement and Physical Exercise

Carrying things is like a game for labs that keeps them busy. So, it gives their minds something to do and is like exercise. This helps keep them happy, healthy, and less likely to get bored.

Labradors are intelligent and can be your best helping hand when carrying different things. Hence, you should appreciate these positive aspects of Labrador Retrievers’ carrying behavior. 

Absurdity Associated with Carrying Behavior

Though carrying things is a natural instinct of Labrador manner, it creates many unwanted blunders. Let’s learn about this: 

A. Choking Hazards and Safety Concerns

Labs might carry unsafe things to chew on. Sometimes, unwanted items struck in their throat. Small items can be a choking hazard or harm their stomachs.

B. Bringing Unwanted Items into the Home

Labs may bring in things from outside, like mud, dirty toys or objects and even garbage. This can create a mess and potential hygiene issues. They spoil your home if you fail to teach them what they can and can’t bring inside. 

C. Impact on Household Items and Furniture

Labs carrying things habit might damage household items. Of course, chewing on furniture or personal items can be destructive. 

Awareness of these concerns can help Labrador owners take preventive measures. So, ensure a safe and harmonious living environment for the dog and your family. 

Strategies for Managing Wiered Carrying Behavior

Strategies for Managing Wiered Carrying Behavior
©istockphoto.com /Dean_Fikar

You should appreciate your lab’s reasonable manner to encourage them to do good deeds. Besides, you must also discourage bad manners like carrying objects that spoil your dog’s health. Let’s know how to convert your lab to essential deeds, avoiding carrying unwanted things: 

  • Offer safe and appropriate alternatives that include a variety of chew toys and comfort items. Introduce puzzle toys that dispense treats to keep them mentally active. Make sure to use durable toys designed for heavy chewers. Also, rotate toys frequently to keep their interest.
  • Help them to practice basic obedience training. Teach commands in an exciting way to control their carrying behavior. Practice short and regular training sessions to empower obedience. Provide ample favorable food items and rewards when they reach the target. Consistency in training sessions expands and inspires their eagerness.
  • Encourage them warmly with positive affirmations when they have earned desirable behavior. Reward them when they carry appropriate items. Further, praise them when they drop items on command.
  • Consult with a professional dog trainer for the most appropriate advice. Attend obedience classes to enhance training skills. Also, grant guidance from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist for specific issues.
  • Keep hazardous items out of reach to prevent choking or ingestion. Puppy-proof the house by removing potential dangers. It’s best to designate specific areas for play and carrying activities.
  • Ensure daily walks and playtime to release excess energy. Keeping them busy in interactive games makes their minds refreshed. Further, arranging puzzle feeders makes mealtime more engaging.
  • Physical outlets for carrying instincts work best. Practice them to be involved in activities like fetch to fulfill their retrieving instincts. You can use floating toys in a kiddie pool for water-loving labs. Organize playdates with other dogs for social interaction if it is for you.
  • You must establish a routine for your pet dog. Stick to an accurate daily schedule for meals, walks and play acceptably. Indeed, unity helps labs feel secure and reduces stress-related behaviors.
  • Introduce toys with scents that appeal to labs. Scented items can enhance their interest and engagement. Keep an eye on what they carry and remove unsafe items from their reach.
  • Cycle through their toy collection to keep things novel. Your Lab may lose interest if they always have the same toys.
  • Supervise outdoor activities to prevent bringing in unwanted items. Hence, use a long leash for controlled exploration in the yard.
  • Expose them to different environments, people and animals to make them sociable. Of course, socialization reduces anxiety and can minimize unwanted behaviors.
  • Designate a specific area with their favorite toys and comforts. This provides a secure space where they can be involved in carrying behaviors.
  • Engage in interactive play sessions to strengthen the bond. Labs may carry items as a way to share the experience with you.
  • Praise for independence is necessary when they entertain themselves appropriately. Labs enjoy approval and attention for making good choices.
  • Enrich their living space with textures, sounds, and scents. A favorable environment reduces the need for excessive carrying.
  • Develop a consistent set of commands for specific behaviors. Labs respond well to clear communication.
  • Use puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys for mental pleasure. Mealtime activities make their minds busy and discourage boredom.

If you successfully apply these strategies, your effort can contribute to managing and redirecting Labrador’s continuous carrying behavior.


Thus, you know – why do labradors carry things in their mouth? Of course, you always expect your homes to be happy and comfortable. Indeed, you must understand and accept Labrador’s natural behaviors. So, balance their instincts with your household needs. It ensures a peaceful environment. Through it, Labs can be themselves, and you can enjoy a harmonious living space together.


What does it mean when a Lab holds toy in mouth?

It is a sign of their happy survival process. They are entirely happy and entertained in their surrounding.

Why do labs like to carry things?

Labradors have natural instincts from their history. Embracing these traits helps you understand and appreciate their behavior.

How much can a Labrador carry?

They can carry things nearly 25% of things in their mouth. But it is safe for them to carry 15%, considering the weight of the overall body.

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